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items in shopping cart get dropped while signing up


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The problem: if items are put in the shopping cart and then the user has to sign up for an account the information in the cart is lost.


the cause. i think its caused by the fact that i have made additional pages in the sign up that have terms and conditions of purchase before moving on to the normal sign up pages.


So what I need to know is what I am missing in my code that is not carrying the details on.


Any help will be gratefully received.



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I have created an test account and everything is ok !!

I have log off and login again and everything was in the cart



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If you have sbc, as I do, they lose pockets, and there go you info, I have to contiually check to know if its the site , or sbc, it takes lots of extra time when i change a page

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The problem is not on the site that is live but one I am testing.


What is SBC and what does 'lose pockets' mean?



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SBC/Ameritech is an ISP (phone company actually). I suspect he meant to say that they lose packets.


The one thing that seems to help the most is for people to move the Sessions info from files in /tmp to the database.




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I looked at your original post again. You may want to check that you are doing all your session maintenance code in each file. That would seem to be the most likely place for losing the cart, if you lost the session on the way.


Good luck,


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Sometime when shopping, products drop from shopping cart.

I use "who is online" and i can see one people can be 2 people in the admin, and in the Index site.


In the admin site i can see 1 IP be 2 IP, and if the costumer fill up their shopping cart, it can splitt with same IP and the costumer lost all the products, when i see this in admin i can see the shopping cart still there, but the costumer begin a new session, with emty shopping cart.


Is this someting about session code in the files?


Why can one user be 2 or many user in "who is online"

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I looked at your original post again. You may want to check that you are doing all your session maintenance code in each file. That would seem to be the most likely place for losing the cart, if you lost the session on the way.


How does one go about doing this session mainenance in each file. the cart I am working on is on an sbc server. I can't figure this out for the life of me.. please help.



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How does one go about doing this session mainenance in each file. the cart I am working on is on an sbc server. I can't figure this out for the life of me.. please help.
If you didn't add any new files, then you shouldn't have to worry about this. Make sure that you have
  define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql');

in includes/configure.php


Good luck,


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From what I can work out as long as when you make new pages as long as you have


then all session codes will be included, or does there need to some sort of sesh key written into each page, i cant see anything that references the sesh classes in other pages.


If sessions work fine on other pages I cant understand why it wouldn't on the new pages I have. Has anyone else made an extra page in signup that carrys over values ok that I could compare to mine.



Thanks all for any help

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its to do with the fact my "osCsid= " goes missing at this point.


How do i make sure this is included on the url when forwarded. The code i am using to get back to form is inside a function


 if ($confirmed = 1 ){




I have a look at other buttons and there is nothing specific but i take it that its not being added because the link comes from inside a function.


Am I making any sense to anyone.


Thanks for any help

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thought i'd report in what I've been trying, incase anyone can help


$osCsid = $_SERVER['osCsid'];


    if ($suitable >= 15 ){




I know that the value $osCsid is the right value I want, as i can print on the page but it does not appear in the URL when forwarded.


Thanks for any help

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the solution was -


firstly i didnt need asign

$osCsid = $_SERVER['osCsid'];

as just calling $osCsid was what i needed.


then called it up as a field ip $_POST as i think the value was getting lost when i posted

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" SIZE=40 NAME="osCsid" VALUE="<?php echo $osCsid; ?>">


and the called it up inside the if(isset($_POST['submit']) { as

$osCsid = $_POST['osCsid'];


and it now works.


Yep its ugly but it works

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