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Remove consent from create new account

Ken Shea

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I have looked, but no success.

This is in create new account

Really getting close to a live web site but therr are a dozen or so little things to clean up, thais is one of them. actually two :)

Raise the conntry block up in line with others 

Thank you





Edited by Ken Shea
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  • Ken Shea changed the title to Remove consent from create new account

Hi Ken,

I don't think there is a nice easy toggle switch to remove the consent option, however you can tinker with the template to achieve the desired result.  When you have the changes tested, be sure to keep a copy of the file as a future update may overwrite it.


Basically what we need to do is:

- Default the toggle switch to yes
- Hide the entire consent row so it is no longer visible
- Enable the "create" button by default so the customer can click it !

So with this plan in mind, we need to make 3 small changes to the template file.  The file is located at <your install dir> /lib/frontend/themes/basic/boxes/login/register.tpl
You might want to take a backup copy of the file before we make these changes, although I can always send a fresh one to you...

The bit we are interested in starts at line 260 -> 267 in the latest version (4.12) and currently looks like this:



1) On line 262: We need to change the 'checked' => false to 'checked' => true , so the whole line will read as follows:

{Html::activeCheckbox($registerModel, 'terms', ['class' => 'terms-conditions', 'value' => '1', 'label' => '', 'checked' => true])}{$smarty.const.TEXT_TERMS_CONDITIONS}


2) On line 260: Add a style="display: none;" to the privacy-row class.  (We could do this in the theme, but since we are editing the template... )  The edited row should read as follows:

                    <div class="col-full privacy-row" style="display: none;">


3) On line 266, remove the 'disabled-area' class which is responsible for disabling  the "create" button when first displayed.  The edited line will be as follows:

                        <button class="btn-2" type="submit">{$smarty.const.CREATE}</button>

4) SAVE your template changes and test...

With the above changes there will be some Javascript code which is no longer needed and could be deleted but its not hurting anything.... If we were implementing this properly we would wrap each of these changes in a conditional statement, and also the Javascript, then define a system configuration value to toggle the changes on and off depending on user preference, but that's for the advanced class... :)

Hopefully that achieves part of your request.  Let me know how you get on.


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Hi Ken,

To move that field up on the form you will need to move the block of code for displaying the county immediately before the block of code displaying the town.  So in the same file we have just been editing  (<your install dir> /lib/frontend/themes/basic/boxes/login/register.tpl)

Move lines 220->229 inclusive and insert at line 210







Note:  If you make the above change it will mess things up if, in furure,  you enable "suburb" field or the "country" field so you will need revisit this file to move the fields around again.  Basically, look at the "<div class="col-right"> and  <div class="col-right">" blocks that are wrapped in the conditional statements, these should alternate

Have fun!


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Hi Andy

Got the file modified no trouble but this is not clicking 

- Default the toggle switch to yes
- Hide the entire consent row so it is no longer visible
- Enable the "create" button by default so the customer can click it !

sorry :(

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35 minutes ago, Ken Shea said:

Hi Andy

Got the file modified no trouble but this is not clicking 

- Default the toggle switch to yes
- Hide the entire consent row so it is no longer visible
- Enable the "create" button by default so the customer can click it !

sorry :(

Looks like it is clickable and should work...  have you tried filling in the fields so that you are are not getting any validation errors popup errors (red boxes) ?


Edited by CHD-UK
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1 minute ago, CHD-UK said:

Looks like it is clickable and should work...  have you tried filling in the fields so that you are are not getting any validation errors popup errors (red boxes) ?


Yes, fills in perfect, I didn't click create though, I'll do that.

HAHA, said address already exists but believe it works fine.

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  • 6 months later...


The attached file contains Step by Step insturctions for Removing the Consent portion for not only the Primary Register page but also the Guest / Single Use Account Register page.

It not only contains CHD-UKs instructions (shown above) for the Primary Registration page but also the instructions for the Guest / Single Use Account page. The document contains graphics to show what you start with and what you should have when completed.  Graphics also indicate where to find the needed administration pages to remove specific phrasing that you may wish to also incorporate.

Certainly hope it helps in assisting others in their endeavor to personalize the pages to their store and liking. 

Make certain that you have backups of the files identified in the file BEFORE YOU BEGIN  to incorporate the changes contained within the file.


!Remove Consent.pdf

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