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The e-commerce.

Hiding base price, only show option price


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Basically all products in my shop have options but instead of all the products being BASE PRICE + OPTION PRICE I want to run it as zero base price then the OPTION PRICE being the actual price.



A 1kg pack costs zero + 5.00

A 5kg pack costs zero + 15.00


I can set up the options and remove the price from the top-right of the product info page but am stuck on the following:

[*]If I remove the + prefix from the option it subtracts the value so all my products have negative prices

[*]The order overview in cart and checkout shows the value as ?0 and underneath has +?5.00 - I need this to just show the item total not separate base / option prices

I checked the contributions but can't find anything that looks like what I want. Looking at the source for /includes/modules/order_details.php (I think this is the only file that needs changing?) I don't think this is going to be a comment-out-a-line job.


Can anyone help?




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