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Catagories - Splitting and applying div around


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I've been trying to split the catagories listing apart so that i can apply a div class around the menu. How i'd idealy like it, is if i could apply one class for the active state (if user is on that page) another for level2 active state and then the non-active state of level1 if the user is not on that page / link on the menu and sub's.


I've done this before with typo3, but typo3 uses its own set of code.


Could anyone possibly point me in the right direction for this? i've searched about on the forum and wiki but couldnt find anything related to what i'm trying to do.


The end result would be to have if user is on for example hardware, a background image and a different color via css would be used ( a different class ) , if user clicks on a sub menu item, that sub menu item then uses a different class and displays a different background image and text color. The rest of the menu items remain untouched with there own class reused over.


I've seen this done on the forum but not with the active / non active states, in the sense that they just have hovers.


Hope i explained this properly. If you require any other information please ask :)



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yea kind of, same kind of thing where if the user is on games link up top, it changes the color of the text to gold and the background to red, althrough i'd be using a graphic background. needs to maintain sub levels too through.


It would have 3 sub level graphic backgrounds, like : www.fuzzy.be

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I've managed to split the active and non-active states in the menu up so they have 2 seperate div classes, only part remaining is seperating the sub level items up and apply div classes to them.


Any ideas how i would go about doing that? been at it for hours, cant see where it displays the sub's to alter it.


The way I did the others was by putting a else statement where it displays the menu items.


Any help appreciated,

If you'd like me to display the code just ask :)


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