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Shipping and payment which depend on each other. How?


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I am a newbie to this great shop and perhabs I don't understand the rules of it.


How can I realize that the shipping and the payment depend on each other?


I need three shipping-options only:


1. Pickup by the customer: No shipping costs

2. Cash on delivery: 14,-- Euro

3. Cash in advance: 7,-- Euro



I already downloaded the Pickup-module. It works.


My problem is that the shipping option and the payment option do not depend on each other.

So it is possible that my customer choses "Pick up" and "Cash in advance" which is not logic.


Could you please help me?



Thank you


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there is a contribution for order totals which allows you to specify a cod charge on the order


for cash in advance, would you just use the money order/check payment option and not ship the product until you have received and deposited the check?

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Yes you are right.


But the module cannot solve my problem.


If a customer choses pickup, he is rdirected to the payment checkout section, where he can coose how to pay -->> cash on delivery.


But pickup is free, so it doesn't make sense...

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but the problem is, that the pickup module is a shipping option.

The cod module is a payment option.


It is so possible to chose Pickup AND cod, which is not logic.


The customer normally should chose Pickup and is then directly redirected to the ordertotal page without the payment page.

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