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The e-commerce.

sorry, this question has been dealt with a million times


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Well, I'm trying to get rid of the message:


This is a demonstration online-shop, any products purchased will not be delivered nor billed. Any information seen on these products are to be treated fictional.


I've read several posts and don't understand how to fix this. I've opened up index.php and english.php while default.php does not exist. What am I missing?


The other blaring question I'm asking myself is, "Is this script operational just because I make a text edit? Is there some kind of "on switch" to get it out of demo mode, or is that just a scare message?" Any advise would be helpful.



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Find includes/languages/english/index.php

and update the define('TEXT_MAIN', .....);


to something like

define('TEXT_MAIN', 'this is not an online demo and all stuff will be certainly be billed and maybe even delivered');


Or something a little more appropriate ;-)




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