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Problems checking out snapshot-20030525


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I am using tep_snapshot-20030525 -


At this website: http://www.kappaluppa.com/freeman/catalog/default.php If I select an item without loggin in, add it to your shopping cart, then want to check out I get an error page cannot be found.


I used another version of OSC for a different website http://www.instituteforattachment.org/cata...log/default.php and when I do the same I am directed to a page that asks the person to log in. That's what I need the other one to do to.


Anyone have any idea, run into the same problem, know where the nearest cliff is?






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It may just be a bad snapshot. The simplest thing might be to figure out what modifications you made, install a new snapshot, and redo your modifications.


Alternatively, if you want to try to troubleshoot more first, the error says it is looking for FILENAME_COOKIE_USAGE. If your snapshot already has includes/filenames.php, look for the definition in there. If there isn't one, add it in: define('FILENAME_COOKIE_USAGE', 'cookie_usage.php');


Good luck,


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