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The e-commerce.

Need help - I am a beginner


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I want to use oscommerce, but I got stuck during the installation.

This is what I have done until now:

I downloaded oscommerce-2.2ms1.zip, I unzipped it, I uploaded the files (admin and catalog) to a server that supports php, I renamed the admin file, I went to ...catalog/install

Now I am installing but the programm asks me:

"3. Please enter your database server information"


database server? :shock: whats that? Do I have one?


Is there a detailed instruction for installation and use?

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ok, I want to have an online-shop.

what for do I need a Webserver (Apache) on MY computer? I already uploaded oscommerce to some server.

what for do I need MySQL and PHP? I assume I need it to arrange my shop on my computer and upload it later, right?

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ok, I want to have an online-shop.

what for do I need a Webserver (Apache) on MY computer? I already uploaded oscommerce to some server.

what for do I need MySQL and PHP? I assume I need it to arrange my shop on my computer and upload it later, right?


You do not need a webserver on your computer.


Your host needs to have PHP that is the language oscommerce is written in.


You need MySQL database to hold all the info such as products,customers,settings,etc...

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you'll prolly be best asking your host where phpmyadmin is located and using that.


The database name is usualy the same name as your username you use to get into the ftp (on some servers if you have only one database) if you have the ability to make a database then you can call it what ever you want, you can do this through phpmyadmin.


Once you have your database made you have all the info you need to setup oscommerce


Database name : What ever you called your database or your username (in somesituations)

Username and password


Database location is usualy 'localhost' without the ' '


Good luck.

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