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I have a site, and i'm selling goods online, therefore i'm looking to implement a secure environment for the customer, and also have the transaction complete online. Can someone advise me on the steps needed to have a secure site for the checkout, and the cheapest method in doing so. I am completely new, so things which might seem silly, please include, as i need this urgently set up. So please postback with step by steps in allowing online secure transaction. Thanks!

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You need to contact your hosting company and ask them to set you up with a security certificate. This generally means that you will have to pay them to set you up on a static IP address as well as pay for the certificate itself. Your host should be able to do this rather quickly and painlessly.


Then you just need to change the config.php file so that you have SSL set to true and all should be fine.


Good luck!



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If my hosting company did not support SSL, how would i accomplish it? Would i signup to another hosting company, which had SSL, but then how would i be able to transfer all the details between the servers? As in, i want to keep my original hosting company, which hosts the main site, but i want to host the secure bit on another server. Could i do it through POST method, but will this work from server to server?

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Hmmm, your hosting company doesn't support SSL??


I am not that well-versed in the mechanics of splitting your site between two hosts, but I suppose it could be done as I think some people are using shared security certificates which in essence is the same thing. I have no idea how you'd do that though.



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