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1064 syntax error when trying to copy a product


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I get the following:


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax near ''' at line 1


insert into products (products_quantity, products_model, products_image, products_price, products_retail_price, products_date_added, products_date_available, products_weight, products_status, products_tax_class_id, manufacturers_id, products_family) values ('10', '6280', '','140.00', '98.5000',  now(), '', '0.00', '0', '1', '4', '




this happens when trying to copy a product into a different category (duplicate product selected). I saw someone else had this issue, but didn't get an answer to the issue. I hope this one gets an answer.

Rick Weiss

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I am struggling to figure out why my questions never get answered in this forum. Are they stupid questions....not enough info...or what?


I don't know where else to go to get help with these issues...so could someone please tell me what I need to do to get these issues resolved....please?

Rick Weiss

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