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The e-commerce.

Is it possible to use osCommerce to have SQL file manually..


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I am impressed with osCommerce already (installed about 2 hours ago).


Can I manually upload an SQL database so I dont need to keep on adding products manually via the Administration tool?


I imagine that many people do this...I'm new to both SQL and osCommerce thats all.


Essentially I run an offline store, but I want to sell online...however, I would like to be able to manually alter inventory offline (to reflect physical sales) on a daily or weekly basis. Is this possible...I imagine if it is, it wouldn't be hard?


At the momment, I'm using SQL Control Center (www.mysql.com).


I can't see any way so far of how I can download the SQL database, and then upload it again.


Am I dreaming?


Thanks for replying.



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you can try this contribution




it won't work directly on your sql database, but allow you to use a text file full of values. So if you have a external database with the products in it already you can export that to a CSV file and then upload using the above contribution

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