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side block, where the classes are defined!!!!!!!????


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Hi guys, I really got a problem. I tried to modified the code for the side blocksm example: the shopping cart. I tried to access into [catalog]>> [includes]>> [classes]>> boxes.php where I can find the constructor infoBoxHeading on Version US 2.2 MS1 CREload5. So basically, the idea is that I wanna change the heading of the boxes and add my own images< It seems that even if i put any value to the code it even shows the box that I ever had.... So where can I modified the real class and how the program knows which class and especially which file.php he can construct a class when in the code you write =


new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, true, tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, '', 'NONSSL'));

so where it goes in the code and which file he chooses to build the constructor with the right class? cause there is into the folder CLASSES boxes.php and thema_boxes.php


Really strangem I tried both of the; and there is no effect on the code, can someone help me please, I really appreciate...

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Ok sorry guys, I searched a lot in the code and I noticed in application_top.php that the boxes.php whos called is in the THEME that you choose previously! Arggg really bad, there is a lot of files that are repeated. So next time, for person who checked my topic, check in first APPLICATION_TOP.PHP to know all the files that are called.....



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