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Uploading images via oscommerce


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I'm having a problem uploading images via oscommerce. When I do upload them via the browser, they aren't making it to the website. I have to manually upload them via FTP and then CHMOD them one by one. Is there some parameter I need to change in order for this feature to work properly?

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I cant get my pics to load, I did the browse button and tried uploadign nothing happened and this pic isnt showing up.


at the top are these 2 lines

Error: Destination does not exist.

Error: Catalog images directory does not exist: /home/virtual/site16/fst/var/www/htmlimages/


and cramyamel, how do you do it manually, the chmod way, how do you do that?

maaaaaam can i have some cheesy poofs

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Right now, I can upload via a browser, but OSCommerce isn't recognizing it. I have an FTP program running in order to eventually be able to see the image within the cart.


Once I upload via browser - I CHMOD the image I just uploaded to 777 (read, write, execute I believe) and that makes it live within the store - way too many steps. From using OSCommerce before - I know I don't HAVE to (and shouldn't have to) do it this way...but since I didn't install this version on the client website (the hosting co. did) I'm not sure what sort of parameters they set on images, etc.


As an aside, I also have the hosting co. checking out the possibility that her hosting parameters are affecting the images folder which is defaulting to something that can't read/view images after we upload via a brower. Needless to say, I'm not "blaming" OSCommerce for this problem, but the folks here on the BB have been really helpful up to this point, so I figured I'd post the question here...


(Wow - my fingers are out of breath after all that...hope it helps!)

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This is not a correct path:



Check your includes/configure.php files.


What version of the store are you using?


Have you added or changed anything in your store before this problem occurred?

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