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The e-commerce.

Is there any online workshops for the osc?


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I have been working on and in osc. for 4-5 months now. Every now and then I hit a dead end and stay there for a while:( Is there any or anybody that can offer online workshops or teaching for the osc?



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I have to agree that the documentation sites aren't very well documented :D :D


i'm wondering if anyone has written a book on OSC anywhere? A simple how-to for setting up a simple shop with basic mods?


How about a document that shows OSC's architecture and function/module entrypoints?


I've noticed that 90% of the questions on the forum are the same thing, either reworded or based on the same problem. A how-to book would really help getting those people off the ground faster. I would have gladly shelled out for such a book.



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