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The e-commerce.

Drop Down boxes


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I was just wondering if there was an addon or easy way to add drop-down selection boxes to my oscommerce shopping cart so that customers could be given a set of products but could customize them....


The drop-down boxes would default to products that you would need to build a computer, but each individual item would be customizable...sort of like dell's website where you can select the size of the hard drive, or the amount of ram.


I will really appreciate any and all help...

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This forum is for *posting* Tips and Tricks, not requesting them. This is explained in the forum guidelines thread posted at the top of the page.


There is a custom computer builder module in the Contributions section. You may want to check it out.


Good luck,


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Sorry about the mix up.


And on a side note, does anyone have a recommendation for a host? I would host myself but i have concerns that it might not be reliable.

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I think that [Edited] would be a good place. I've been there a few months and love it. The price is right. Great community also.


The_Bear [No commercial posting]

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