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How can U have domain only at the address bar


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i get what u mean, on some sites, whatever the page is all you will see int eh address bar is the domain, so for mine, my site is at www.righthereit.com/default.php would show up as www.righthereit.com dotn know how to do it though

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i get what u mean, on some sites, whatever the page is all you will see int eh address bar is the domain, so for mine, my site is at www.righthereit.com/default.php would show up as www.righthereit.com dotn know how to do it though


Add this to the .htacess file in your root folder - it will at least remove the need for "default.php" in your URL:


<IfModule mod_dir.c> 

DirectoryIndex default.php 


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How can U have domain only at the address bar.  Just "www.domain.com"  not "www.domain.com/catalog"?


Best regards,




Install your catalog files in your root folder.....


In configure.php the "catalog" settings are:


  define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/');





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