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The e-commerce.

Shipping weights calculated if adding heavy attributes


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This is a good one!


I sell green coffee beans by the pound at www.thebeanstock.com

I have listings for 1,2,5, and bulk (20 lbs) for each varietal. The prices reflect their discount which is cheaper "per pound" when buying more. Easy enough!


Instead of having to list each item 4 different times with separate prices and the actual weights (please recall that when listing a product we indicate the weight so the shipping calculator knows how much to calculate) I wish to list the items once and offer a drop down selection menu showing 1,2,5, and bulk(20) with their associated discounted pricing added to the total.


I know how to do all that..... but here is the kicker! :shock:


:arrow: Hypothetical Example 1: Lets say I create an item with this method -- Colombia Supremo. You are in my Colombia Supremo listing and wish to buy 5 pounds, the current price would show $5 per pound.... click on the drop down menu and you see you can buy 5 pounds for $20 ($1 per lb. discount) then you check out..... the shipping calculator still thinks you are buying only 1 pound. How do we establish a weight "value" to coordinate with the add on options?



:arrow: Example 2: What if I were selling widgets and the optional addon was 100 pounds? Again, without tacking on a flat rate, is there a way to add weight values to the add-ons?


I thought about manipulating the prices to adjust to some degree, but the prices range to drastically when shipping long distances. My margins are too small to play the "close enough" game.

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Ajeh has a SEC mod that has that facility. IF you are on a snapshot pre MS1 you couldprobably use the attributes sorter/copier or the quantity controller - don't remember which - look in the contributions area under downloads. They do not work with MS1 code though

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