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Question: Billing and shipping question


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Hello... I'm new to both PHP and osCommerce. I've tried to search the forum for this question, as I'm sure it's been asked in the past.


Question: Is there a way to delay the billing of a credit card until the order has been placed in the "Processing" status?


I was thinking this product could work well for me but there are requirements to ship products within 24 hours of a credit card being charged...


Thanks in advance,


-Jim :roll:

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:lol: Oh come on... :lol:


I was hontestly hoping the portal had a default option setting for this functionality... Only to charge the order once it was placed in another status...


I will check into the cost savings of calling in the credit cards... That could prove to be a viable solution... I'd just hate it if the store kicked off and I had to authorize loads of orders per day over the phone...


Thanks so much for your time.



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Depending on the gateway you are using, you may have a "pre-authorization" option. It's what gas stations use when you pay at the pump -- they pre-authorize your card for up to $xx and then confirm the exact amount after you've filled.


That might work for you.


However, if that doesn't work you're in the rather risky area of having to record and store someone's credit card info on your site somewhere. I personally find this too risky as I can't be certain that my host and configuration is 100% secure to prevent hackers from breaking in and stealing those numbers.


It is an interesting question... I wonder if anyone else has needed this sort of function?


Good luck!



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I asked my hosting company what they do (I'm going to be using their payment gateway) and they indeed keep the customer's credit card and transaction receipt on file in their database. They encrypt the card number somehow before storing though.


I'm not sure what sort of encryption they use or how reliable it is, but that might be another option for you.



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I will check into the cost savings of calling in the credit cards... That could prove to be a viable solution...  I'd just hate it if the store kicked off and I had to authorize loads of orders per day over the phone...
It's also worth noting that the phone authorizations usually do not support internet sales. They won't check this...unless a customer complains through them (about anything). However, if you are doing an authorization where you are expected to imprint the card (which is generally how the phone authorizations work), then you will get no support from the credit card company if the customer later claims not to have ordered the product.


In other words, it will work most of the time, but when it doesn't work, it really messes things up.


Good luck,


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