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Wacky Images


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I am trying out OC for the first time because X-Cart is driving me mad. So far everyting has been successful, except for one thing. When I'm in the admin area none of the images show up. If I go to veiw source every image on the page refers to a black pixel image. Anyone know why this would happen?

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it is agaist the rules to make mult. posts, even in different catagories, if you are not ansewred, re post after a decent amount of time, and try re phasing your question, if you post what the problem is , your chances of gettting a responce is greater.

now to your post, did you load your images to the product page, ( up load) ?

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Sorry for the double post. My browser hung up twice and I didn't think it posted.


now to your post, did you load your images to the product page, ( up load) ?


I'm not sure I understand this. I have installed the admin and catalog directories in my root directory. The catalog images work, but the admin images don't.

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The site is only runnign locally so I can't link to it. The images I'm referring to are the navigation images for the admin side and the product images. I'm not seeing any images on the admin side.

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I tried two different browsers: Mozilla and Safari and I chmoded the image directory to 777, but nothing changes. I just get image place holders and no images. Is there something in the application_*.php file that may be the cause?

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I fixed the problem by specifying absolute paths to the image directories on my applicatin.php files. My php set up must be throwing something off. Works fine now though. Thanks for the help.

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