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secure pictures

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Does anyone know how to protect pictures from being copied from my website. I don't know where to begin with this. I've searched the forum and am unable to find anything related.

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You can't. It's like protecting songs that are played over the radio from being copied. There are some java things that are possible that make it more difficult (which I do not know how to do), but there is no way to completely prevent it without taking the image off the site (i.e. if the image is viewable, it is copyable).


Good luck,


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There is no way to stop them. Just make it harder.


To make it harder to take pics - disable right click fuction. Another is to encript your code so they can't see where the pic acutally is (ie: can't see the link is www.yoursite.comimagesmypic.gif - thus they could type into the web broswer that and then do save as....)


Even so - there is nothing that would prevent them from clearing there cache and then going to/viewing your site then browsing there cache for the pics... like looking in: C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsTemporary Internet Files for it.... Put a REALLY LONG and hard to duplicate name/address on the files (make it look like junk data) --- like www.mysite.com/ds1iuflhgLs19d/flgsdLfg12hj334bersbt3@#23vd4L576i6&785I6asLda1sdfi12asdf/2sdfasdf13i4IFDSsdfgsdf#rffds5Tfd.gif


Use public domain or royalty free Pics (ie: COREL Graphics are all ROYALTY free - there copywritten by a 3rd party but is free to be used by whom ever purchases the package in any thing you publish-without requiring a "copywrite notice" or addional payment - if they steal that then it is Corel or the 3rd party can take action agains the theaf - not you.)



The best way is to make your PICS undesirable to take - put a light but "visable" water mark on all pics... Put a very visable line on the bottom "COPYWRITE BY MYSITE.COM" (in white or black or in a contrasting colour) make them as small as possable without loosing the quality required. Also putting coloured boarders (that match your site) IE: round bullet hole style...crop your pics to "cut off" unneeded detail




The only REAL way to prevent people from taking your pics is put it an a diskette (or zip disk or CD/DVD R) then deleting all other copies off of your computer, delete copies out of all ZIP file, on all backup and your webserver. Then take that disk and dig a hole in the back yard and bury it!

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