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What version of PHP do you _really_ need? 4.1.x or 4.2.x?


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We're getting ready to install OSC for the first time on a RAQ4, but have seen conflicting info re which version of PHP is required.


The RAQ is patched up to date and we've installed the following from pkg files:

- MySQL 3.23.54

- PHP 4.1.2-3


I've searched thu' the forums I notice a number of people mention using PHP 4.1.x installs.


So I'm confused - can anyone clarify whether what we've got installed is: OK/won't work/will have issues etc etc.


We can get our hosting company to upgrade PHP for us, but it will cost us ?250 and they state this might not be a good move:

"...this will stop working if you need to apply any patches from Cobalt. You would then have to have it reinstalled which would be another ?250+VAT. This might also cause problems installing Cobalt patches as they could fail."


Any help much appreciated :)





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Hi Al,


PHP version 4.1.x and below are the only versions that will work out of the box, but with one small change OSC can be made to work with any version of PHP. This requires that your ISP allow the use of .htaccess files to override Apache's configuration settings on a folder-by-folder basis. This is something your ISP should allow without charging you anything, much less 250 quid. If they say this isn't possible, I suggest you find another ISP.


The change that needs to be made is to turn the register_global setting on via an .htaccess file. osCommerce already comes with its own .htaccess file (located in the catalog folder), which you need to modify in order to turn the register_global setting on. The period at the beginning of the file name means that it may not show up in your file system, so you may have to edit it from a command line. The change you need to make is to add the following line at the end of the .htaccess file:


php_value register_globals 1


Save it, and then everything should work smoothly. Note that you should probably keep the admin folder within the catalog folder, or else you will have to copy the .htaccess file into your admin folder also.


Hope this helps. Feel free to ask me if you have any further trouble.



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i get this error when trying to add a product:

Warning: Variable passed to reset() is not an array or object in /data/web/krs/html/cart/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 17

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /data/web/krs/html/cart/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 18

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