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Help! Website screwed up big time!


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I honestly don't know what happend. I was working on my website. Uploaded a few files. Clicked Refresh and my website look all messed up. Visit: www.candacomputers.com and you'll see what I mean. Like the footer.php is missing it's table. The left and right column both are missing the previouse table backgrounds (dark blue and light blue). I need help correcting this error. If anyone has any ideas on what to do that would be great. I was also wondering if anyone knew how to get rid of that white spot on my left and right column and if anyone knew why the top part of the site won't go all the way over in 1024x768?



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The one for your site goes in the main catalog folder, and there is one for your admin in the admin/includes folder.

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"Uploaded a few files" - It is essential that you note which files you worked on and hopefully you copied them and renamed the copies (like default_JUL_8.php) so that you can upload the originals again - maybe one by one to see which one are causing the problem. Same applies to the stylsheet.


Imagine the fun you'd have if this were a live site.

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Thanks, I got that part of the site working again. I got a few more things I'd love to get some help on if you guys can help. If you visit the site (www.candacomputers.com) you will notice on the left column and right column there will be a white gap all around them. I don't want people to see that. The only white I want should be in the center of the page. If anyone else can figure out why there is a part of the header that is messed up right by the search picture.... Any help would be awesome!

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the border around the left and right columns is because the tables have cellpadding on them


Unfortunately this means opening all the files in the catalog directory and putting it to 0.


This can be done using search and replace if you are feeling brave.

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