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Cart Merging - How is it supposed to work?


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Maybe somebody can clarify this for me. At first I thought this was a bug (I reported it as bug report # 1235), but now I am wondering if it is intentional.


Here is the scenario:


If a logged in customer comes to the page and adds an item to their cart but does not complete the order, when they leave the page the items in their cart are stored for future reference in their "permanent cart".


Then, if that same customer comes back later on and adds more items to their cart before logging in, when they log in the new items are supposed to be "merged" with the items in their permanent cart.


What I have found is that any new items are added to the permanent cart's items, however, any duplicate items over-write the items in the permanent cart. For instance if i had originally put 2 of the Speed DVD in my cart and I come back and put 1 more in my cart, when I log on and the carts are merged the cart shows just the 1 DVD and not 3. Is this intentional or a bug? Does anybody else encounter the same outcome? I have tested this on MS1 and MS2-CVS snapshots on both apache and IIS servers and they all act this way for me.


Just curious and interested in some input.


Eric Stamper

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I think there is a quantity change you have to make in application_top of catalog I think so the quantity increments - what you described is the default behaviour - at least it has always been for me

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