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Removing registration and/or required for certain items


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I would like to make the registration not required to purchase. Has anyone done this? Do directions exists? I don't know where to start.




I am selling an item that is to be sold only to licensed racers. I need to collect their license number them allow them to purchase the product. How to I prevent others from buying that restricted product?



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Purchase without account will handle the first problem.


You will probably have to do some custom coding for the second one. I would probably add a field for the license number to the customer's account information. That way it will be stored from session to session. Regardless of where you store it, you will need some kind of validation at checkout. You should probably put the validation in both early (so the customer doesn't waste a lot of time before finding out that they can't complete the order) and late (in case someone figures out a way to bypass the beginning of the checkout).




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