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Arrange Product Options


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I have created a product option named "Size". I then added all of the product values for the different sizes. (8x10, 20x24, 30x60, etc...). That all works just great. When I take those options and put them onto a product's attributes, they are not in any order.


I was wondering how I can organize the product options so that when viewing the item in the catalog, they will show up in a specified order. I have tried MANY different things, and am getting frustrated. Any help would be greatly appriciated.


Thank you

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read the follwing thread... thats one way to sort the attrib. but as far as i understand its not a solution for you... :roll: it will only put the options in alphbetical order...




you could also install Linda's Sorter and Copier Attributes 5.01 found at...




if this still does not work or help do a search you will be amazed at the amount of useful information you will find! :)




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Wow... well thanks for the links. I checked into them and they helped greatly. My problem is now solved!


I did try searching, but it seems to not work A LOT of the times. When I put in basic words, it will say no posts were found. Anyways, Thanks for the help!

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When searching, it works best if you surround words with * (no spaces). Also, it works best if you search for one thing at a time instead of sort options attributes, say *sort*options* then if that doesn't work do another search with *sort*attributes* or whatever.




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  • 3 years later...

Your LINK:




Is not working for me, I desperately need to find out how to get the attributes to list in alphabetical order, seems like it should be an easy fix. Let me know if this link has been changed or where to find this info.


Thank you!!!


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