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Placing an infobox in the index.shtml front page.


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I am having problems inserting infoboxes on the fron page of the site. The site has shtml pages and a link to the shop which is under /shop/ directory.

the shop is working and the static pages are working however i am trying to add an infobox from osCommerce like this:

<?PHP include('/shop/includes/boxes/tell_a_friend.php'); ?>

and it just does not show anything - not even an error.


any ideas? has anyone already tried this?


Any help will be appreciated.

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Most oscommerce already have tell a friend, either in the right or left column, that appears whlie a product is selected

that includes/columnsright or left

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I am trying to use the already existing tell a friend box from osCommerce and embed it into a static shtml file like index.shtml.


any help is appreciated.

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<?PHP include('/shop/includes/boxes/tell_a_friend.php'); ?>

This is in the wrong context. Note that tell_a_friend.php requires the box class. In order to make this work, you will have to include at least application_top.php. Unfortunately, to get application_top.php to work, you will have to find a way to get its includes to work. Perhaps you will be able to add shop to PHP's include_path?


The problem is that it will be looking in (for example) includes/classes/boxes.php when the file is actually in shop/includes/classes/boxes.php. I guess that you might be able to create a new configure.php in an includes subdirectory of your root directory; i.e. in the same directory in which shop appears, also create an includes directory with configure.php in it. In that configure.php, you would

define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'shop/includes/');

rather than includes/. There might have to be other changes to get this to work. Post back and let us know.





P.S. If you could move your file under the shop directory, it would make this a lot easier.

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