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The e-commerce.

catalog doesn't see the mysql database server


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I've just installed osCommerce on a Win2000 Pro machine. The Admin and Catalog pages are accessible through Apache. IIS is installed but Ive stopped the service. MySQL is started as a service. I am able to create and manage databases with Mysqladmin. However the Catalog and Admin tools are unable to connect to the MySQL server or any databases.


Any ideas? :)

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In your configure.php files, what is the entry for define('DB_SERVER'?


It should be

  define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');

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Change was needed but still nbo server connection. configuration.php looks like this. What's next?


/* $Id: configuration.php,v 1.1 2001/02/23 04:54:34 pkellum Exp $


* Configuration


define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');

define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'mysql');

define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', '');

define('DB_DATABASE', 'catalog');

define('USE_GZIP', 0); // Change to 1 if your server supports GZip


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Check that the user mysql@localhost exists and has an empty password. You will need a DB admin tool for this. MySQL comes with command line programs mysql and mysqladmin. phpMyAdmin is a web based tool that many here use.


Good luck,


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Added user as suggested but unfortunately no effect. The phpadmin tools are connecting to the database but just not the commerce application. I don't have a OBDC connection for mySQL but I don't hink that's the problem either if the phpadmin page connects.


I'm quite stumped.


Any other ideas?

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