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The e-commerce.

Can anyone help me do this?


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I would like to use my same site to carry products from two different games (I sell online collectible cards, http://gameguys.cc/catalog2/default.php).


I have one product series listed in column_left, and am using both the manufacturer and category areas to seperate the rarities.


I'd like to make duplicate boxes in column_right, with information for the other game (need to use both category and manufacturer's again). I have not a clue how to do it. I don't know which files would have to be duplicated to make it work 100%, nor which alterations to make inside of those files.


The way I am thinking it has to happen is that I would have to build entirely new boxes (titled manufacturer2 maybe?!?), and build new tables.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, and I am sure others could benefit from this information.


Thanks in advance,

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After a glance at 'includesboxescategories.php' I think you don't need to change the database structure to do this. And you shouldn't splitting essentially the same information into different tables is not something you should consider in general.


If you split your catalog in two at the root:


game1cat1prod 1

game1cat1prod 2

game1cat2prod 2


game2cat1prod 1

game2cat1prod 2

game2cat2prod 2



You only have to alter includesboxescategories.php to only display one main catagory.


If noone more knowledgeble(sp?) than me chimes in (see sig), I could take a stab at it, but I'll need some more info.

Shouldn't be to complicated though.





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I have to have multiple's for both manufacturer and categories...


Am unclear where I would make this change (even after your explanation).


In the current version of my cart, the categories represent the types of cards in the game, and the manufacturers represent the rarity.


In the new game, the categories would be the card set, with the manufacturers representing the rarities.

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What categories do you have in your db?


Can you write it out the way I did in my last post?




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