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Who's online...197 entries...not right...any ideas?


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Hi all,


I currently have 197 entries in the Who's online, 192 of them being the same IP address.


I changed one thing today, and that was to set the SESSION_STORE to 'mysql'. This was because I was having problems with baskets being emptied in mid-session.


Has this caused the Who's online problem? Or is something else going on?


The IP address is, is it a bot? Whois doesn't know much about it.

Many Thanks,



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That IP address appears to belong to iit.cnr.it.


Unfortunately I cannot tell you anything more about it but perhaps someone more knowledgeable can.


I would clean out the who's online table and then give it 30 minutes and then review what who's online says.

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Is anyone able to point me in the direction of the bug fix? I've never fixed bugs in the code before, but I have added plenty of contributions. Should be a good learning experience for me.


If anyone can let me know where the information is, how to get the relevant source code and how to identify the correction in the source, I will be very grateful. I'm not looking for someone to do the work for me, I would like to learn from this instance, so that I can do it myself in the future.

Many Thanks,



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