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Sm,Medium,Large images


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Hi There,


I am using the contribution Sm,Med,Lg images and get this error when I preview the product


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: upload in /home/futuread/public_html/colish/admin/categories.php on line 524


Any help would be great... thanks

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I have just come across the same problem, using a snapshot of late March 2003. Looks like an upload function was used in earlier releases, which has now been replaced by a class. You need to do the following:


Download the latest snapshot. Here you will find the file 'adminincludesclassesupload.php' that is missng in earlier versions. Copy this file to the corresponding directory on your web server.


You also need to edit your ' adminincludesapplication_top.php' file to include this 'upload.php' class file. Look for the following code (line 230 in my file):


// email classes

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'mime.php');

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'email.php');


..and add these lines directly after:


// file uploading class

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'upload.php');


... save & close and then the file upload should work OK.

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around

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I tried it with the 07/05/2003 release, and could not get it to work. I changed some of the code, interfacing with the current admin/configure.php, most is working. The cart will display the 3 sizes of images properly, but still have some random glitches/miss-spellings, whatever, keeping the pictures from correct sequence and placement in the database.

GEOTEX from Houston, TX



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A full fix for this woud be perfect :)


Larger images on click is a must need, it says "Click for larger image" and the same image appears ??




Please... its got to be out there ;)

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I have a problem with the logic of the autocheking and fill routine that was added to the original contribution.


I reworked the original 3-image contribution to work with 2.2 MS1, using only 2 images to get 3 sizes of pictures. That works well. You can see it in action at http://www.shirleyscathouse.com.


But, with the changes to attributes/config.php, it has been more than minor moving and changing of code. Using the 07/05/2003 snapshot, I can display all the images properly in the shopping cart. But adding or updating through admin, the large image overwrites the small image in the database, and leaves products.large_image blank.


I would be glad to email or post the code changes I have done, if any one is interested in helping straighten this out. I just don't have enough knowledge of PHP yet to see the error.

GEOTEX from Houston, TX



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I posted a new contribution under Contibutions, Features. 3 Image is completely updated for 22 MS2.


The catalog will properly display your images if:

1. You have 1, 2 or 3 images.

2. The large image is missing, the pop up window will display the Medium image, or Small image if that is the only one available.

3.You have at least a small image; you will display an image in the category column, in the product description, and in the pop up window. If you have images optional, and have no image, that's okay too. The products will display with no broken image and no pop up window available.

GEOTEX from Houston, TX



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Thanks for the updated 3sizes contribution. Now my store is working again.


However, I get this warning at the top of the product screen in admin:


"Warning: No file uploaded"


with the contribution installed I get it 3 times.


When I replace the categories.php and the popup_image.php with the original 2.2 MS2 files I still get the warning but only once.


I briefly looked trough the code and it seems to have somethiing to do with the upload class.


Does anyone have an idea?



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However, I get this warning at the top of the product screen in admin:


"Warning: No file uploaded"  


with the contribution installed I get it 3 times.


When I replace the categories.php and the popup_image.php with the original 2.2 MS2 files I still get the warning but only once.


I briefly looked trough the code and it seems to have somethiing to do with the upload class.


Does anyone have an idea?




The error is for each image. If you upload one, you get 1 geen okay, and 2 pink "no upload", etc.


You will get the same "errors" if you just specify a new image already on your server. I didn't bother hunting for the error codes since it checks each upload and reports in the proper sequence. Seemed like a "benefit" for some of my less experienced store owners that insist on maintaining their own carts.

GEOTEX from Houston, TX



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"Warning: No file uploaded"
If you are specifying an image to upload and still getting this error, you need to enable file uploading in php.ini (or.htaccess or httpd.conf).


Good luck,


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