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Default Page heading


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I would like to change the default heading text, in the default home page.I am getting this HEADING_TITLE, if i change the text in english.php it is changing the text to all the headings on the site... can anyone assist me.

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If you want default.php to display something different than the rest of the pages on the site, you can just change

<td class="pageHeading"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td>


<td class="pageHeading">Text you want to display.</td>

However, if you want default.php to display something different when you are looking at it at the top level versus the category or product level, then you will have to add some background logic, e.g.

<td class="pageHeading"><?php if ($category_depth == 'top') echo 'Text you want to display'; else echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td>

or something like that.




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