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[size=18][b]"Click To Enlarge Image" Problem, Help


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How do I change the image in the popup window to be bigger? In the backroom I see where you can change the min. and max. values but if I change the product values, then it distorts everything. I just want to have the click the enlarge popup windown to display something that is alot bigger. Please help me.

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If I'm reading popup_image.php and html_output.php correctly in the current snapshot, they try to use the actual image size to determine how big to make the image. Have you tried simply using a bigger image? What happens?


You also might want to check out the Keep Image Proportions contribution to see how to avoid distortion.


If you are using an older copy (like MS1) that works differently than current snapshots, you might want to either update to a newer version or updating just the popup_image.php and tep_image code.




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