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Any Idea on how to do this with an Invoice?


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Has anybody tried or does anybody have any idea on how to serialized invoices?


I have installed the contribution that allows customer to print thier invoices out on their computers in addition to email. This is primarily because the application will be used in a Library where customers dont have email access.


However I need some help on what it would take to automatically create serialized invoices. I.E. Each invoice has a unique number.


I understand that the order number exists, however my application dictates that the invoice is actually part of the final product. In my situation a serialized invoice would help to authenticate the printed invoice.



The Library's customer may purchase multiple quantities of the SAME product on any given order , however each individual product will need to be printed singly on a new invoice with an unique invoice number to help the librarian in billing and content management.



-----> Before anybody responds - I have already checked the Forums , the contributions , the FAQ , OSCDEX , A couple of other web site, for information and have found nothing. <----------


Thanks in advance




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will this contribution list add the generated number to the users orders summary so I can check it through the admin panel at a later point?


thanks :)

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