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The e-commerce.

Would you start over??


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I began working with osCommerce a few months ago and have enjoyed it. I believe I can do now in a few sittings what took a week or weeks before. I am still having problems uploading to my database the 60,000 proucts my client "suddenly" must have , but for the most part I'm becoming able. I am using I think...2.1. I installed it December 2002. So..since the site isn't finished and it does act a bit odd lately, would you set up another osCommerce site with a new version, or keep working with this one. Is te new version much of an improvement?



Thanks in advance,

Keith Ronan

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If you are using 2.1, you should definately upgrade to 2.2. 2.1 is no longer supported and 99% of the forum posts relate to 2.2. If you are in no hurry to get the shop live, you should also wait until 2.2 MS2 is released. It is due any day now and you will not have to upgrade from MS1 later. This is only my opinion though. You will have to do the work and therefore you are the only one that can decide if 2.2 fits your needs better than 2.1. Good Luck.



Wayne Wetterhahn

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That is a serious decision to consider.


Assuming that you have not made extensive modifications to your current installation, my advice would be to upgrade to 2.2 MS2 (when it is released).


If I was in your shoes, I would definitely do the upgrade.

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