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[contribution] individual product shipping prices

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For now to display all shipping methods available

in classes/shipping.php


           if (tep_get_configuration_key_value('MODULE_SHIPPING_INDVSHIP_STATUS') and $shiptotal) {
           $include_modules[] = array('class'=> 'indvship', 'file' => 'indvship.php');

It might look slightly different than above.

If you have freeshipper and you added an "elseif" remove the "else" and just leave it "if" also add "&& $shiptotal = NULL" like below

         if ((tep_get_configuration_key_value('MODULE_SHIPPING_FREESHIPPER_STATUS')) && $cart->show_weight()==0 && $shiptotal = NULL) {
           $include_modules[] = array('class'=> 'freeshipper', 'file' => 'freeshipper.php');
         } else {
         // All Other Shipping Modules
           while (list(, $value) = each($this->modules)) { //todo//try foreach is faster//hadir


then where you have

              if (($class !='freeshipper') && ($class != 'indvship')) {


&& ($class != 'indvship')

if you only have

if ($class != 'indvship')

Remove it and its brackets { }


This will display all shipping option.

Still working on getting rid of selection if individual shipping. I was thinking of adding a statement "Individual Product shipping of $xx.xx will be added your shipping total" (or something like that) then adding it in the checkout to the selected method.

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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Hey, you are great... Thanks! I am so happy that someone is finally trying to fix this mod because this mod is so important, especially when you have multiple venders as I do.




Published osC Contributions:

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- Reviews in Product Display v2.0

- Fancier Invoice & Packingslip v6.1

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- Customer Zip & State Validation v2.2

- Search Box with Dropdown Category Menu v1.0


Pop your camper's top today!

It's a popup thing...

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Ok, I do not have the free shipping mod you are showing. I have the Free shipping per product v1.0 mod installed from http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2517


This is a copy of my original shipping.php code:

// BOF: Individual Shipping Prices ? ? ?
? ? ?$shiptotal = $cart->get_shiptotal();
// EOF: Individual Shipping Prices

? ? ? ?$this->modules = explode(';', MODULE_SHIPPING_INSTALLED);

? ? ? ?$include_modules = array();

? ? ? ?if ( (tep_not_null($module)) && (in_array(substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')) . '.' . substr($PHP_SELF, (strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.')+1)), $this->modules)) ) {
? ? ? ? ?$include_modules[] = array('class' => substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')), 'file' => substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')) . '.' . substr($PHP_SELF, (strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.')+1)));
? ? ? ?} else {
? ? ? ? ?reset($this->modules);
? ? ? ? ?
// BOF: Individual Shipping Prices
// Show either normal shipping modules or Individual shipping module when Individual Shipping Module is On
? ? ? ? ?// Show Individual Shipping Only
? ? ? ? ?if (tep_get_configuration_key_value('MODULE_SHIPPING_INDVSHIP_STATUS') and $shiptotal) {
? ? ? ? ? ?$include_modules[] = array('class'=> 'indvship', 'file' => 'indvship.php');
? ? ? ? ?} else {
? ? ? ? ?// All Other Shipping Modules
? ? ? ? ? ?while (list(, $value) = each($this->modules)) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ?$class = substr($value, 0, strrpos($value, '.'));
? ? ? ? ? ? ?// Don't show Individual Shipping Module
? ? ? ? ? ? ?if ($class != 'indvship') ?{
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?$include_modules[] = array('class' => $class, 'file' => $value);
? ? ? ? ? ? ?}
? ? ? ? ? ?}
? ? ? ? ?}
// EOF: Individual Shipping Prices
? ? ? ?}

? ? ? ?for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($include_modules); $i<$n; $i++) {
? ? ? ? ?include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/shipping/' . $include_modules[$i]['file']);
? ? ? ? ?include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'shipping/' . $include_modules[$i]['file']);

? ? ? ? ?$GLOBALS[$include_modules[$i]['class']] = new $include_modules[$i]['class'];
? ? ? ?}
? ? ?}
? ?}


This is my shipping.php AFTER your changes:

// BOF: Individual Shipping Prices ? ? ?
? ? ?$shiptotal = $cart->get_shiptotal();
// EOF: Individual Shipping Prices

? ? ? ?$this->modules = explode(';', MODULE_SHIPPING_INSTALLED);

? ? ? ?$include_modules = array();

? ? ? ?if ( (tep_not_null($module)) && (in_array(substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')) . '.' . substr($PHP_SELF, (strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.')+1)), $this->modules)) ) {
? ? ? ? ?$include_modules[] = array('class' => substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')), 'file' => substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')) . '.' . substr($PHP_SELF, (strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.')+1)));
? ? ? ?} else {
? ? ? ? ?reset($this->modules);
? ? ? ? ?
// BOF: Individual Shipping Prices
// Show either normal shipping modules or Individual shipping module when Individual Shipping Module is On
? ? ? ? ?// Show Individual Shipping Only
// ? ? ? ? ?if (tep_get_configuration_key_value('MODULE_SHIPPING_INDVSHIP_STATUS') and $shiptotal) {
// ? ? ? ? ? ?$include_modules[] = array('class'=> 'indvship', 'file' => 'indvship.php');
// ? ? ? ? ?} else {
? ? ? ? ?// All Other Shipping Modules
? ? ? ? ? ?while (list(, $value) = each($this->modules)) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ?$class = substr($value, 0, strrpos($value, '.'));
? ? ? ? ? ? ?// Don't show Individual Shipping Module
// ? ? ? ? ? ? ?if ($class != 'indvship') ?{
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?$include_modules[] = array('class' => $class, 'file' => $value);
// ? ? ? ? ? ? ?}
// ? ? ? ? ? ?}
? ? ? ? ?}
// EOF: Individual Shipping Prices
? ? ? ?}

? ? ? ?for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($include_modules); $i<$n; $i++) {
? ? ? ? ?include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/shipping/' . $include_modules[$i]['file']);
? ? ? ? ?include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'shipping/' . $include_modules[$i]['file']);

? ? ? ? ?$GLOBALS[$include_modules[$i]['class']] = new $include_modules[$i]['class'];
? ? ? ?}
? ? ?}
? ?}


It works as you described. It shows ALL shipping options, including the Individual Shipping option of $5.00 as well.


I will remove the changes as shown in the top example above until you are finished working on this for now.


If you want to look at my site at http://www.popthetop.com/catalog/index.php using our TEST ACCOUNT:


Account: [email protected]

Password: 1234


Look at the TOOLS catagory...

I have one with normal shipping

One with free shipping

One with Indv Shipping of $5.00

Edited by PopTheTop




Published osC Contributions:

- eCheck Payment Module v3.1

- Reviews in Product Display v2.0

- Fancier Invoice & Packingslip v6.1

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- Customer Zip & State Validation v2.2

- Search Box with Dropdown Category Menu v1.0


Pop your camper's top today!

It's a popup thing...

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1-Using shipping_estimator only individual shows up if customer not logged in. All show if if logged in.

2-When logged in, no (0) product weight, and click checkout redirected to payment not shipping options. If product has weight redirected to shipping options like it should.

3-Using customer group pricing and purchase without account in shipping estimator after the customer has input info to PWA in shipping estimator I get this error

Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home2/dailywho/public_html/includes/functions/general.php on line 90

Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home2/dailywho/public_html/includes/functions/general.php on line 90


I narrowed it down to

      $ShipTxt.='<tr valign="top"><td class="main">' . SHIPPING_METHOD_TO .'</td><td colspan="2" class="main">'. tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, ' ', '<br>') . '</td></tr>';

in shipping estimator

tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, ' ', '<br>')


has no value when I echo it, not even an "ARRAY" output.

4-#3 (PWA anc customer prices) when click checkout and go to payment page it is blank.


If anyone has the above contributions please tell me your results. Might be something I added somewhere.

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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Ok I figured it out but I can't stop it from happening. The error

Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home2/dailywho/public_html/includes/functions/general.php on line 90

happens when I login as different users on the same browser. Once I close the browser and login or PWA there is no error. Though I am still getting a blank purchase page for PWA.

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I got it done and working on my site.

So far


If product count = 1 and indvship

Shows only invdship for that product.


If product count = 1 and no indvship

Show all other methods


If product count > 1 and none are indvship

show all other methods


If product count >1 and one or more has invship

show invship total and all other methods


works all the way to check out.


I am going to test it on another site and different scenarios before I submit my changes.

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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Could you try and install this into a stock version of osC please? Then upload the new instructions?




Published osC Contributions:

- eCheck Payment Module v3.1

- Reviews in Product Display v2.0

- Fancier Invoice & Packingslip v6.1

- Admin Notes / Customer Notes v2.2

- Customer Zip & State Validation v2.2

- Search Box with Dropdown Category Menu v1.0


Pop your camper's top today!

It's a popup thing...

You wouldn't understand

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That will take some time. I am working on a number of other projects in addition to my own hectic life...(not meaning for it to sound rude :D )..I will try but I cannot guarantee it will be done soon.

The instruction are based on stock. All the ABOVE, UNDER and REPLACE are from the original 2.2MS2 release. As for Line # I tried to make those from stock too.

Edited by crashwave

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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  • 2 weeks later...



I think I may be able to use this contribution to solve my problem, but maybe some of you can throw in some ideas.


I have one product that if ordered, I want to change the shipping cost to free, regardless of the other cart contents. If that product isn't in the cart, I want normal shipping to apply.


I wasn't able to find anything that matches my need, so I'm looking at using this. Did I miss something, or how would you recommend I configure this module to do what I want. (I can program in PHP, but don't have time to hack and redo something that can be done in another module.)


THanks everyone!



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I've just installed the mod but am having a problem accessing the admin panel.


I installed indvship.php in both the modules folder and the languages/... folder which i'm not sure is correct as the instructions said to only put it in the modules folder.


I'm getting this error:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class indvship in /home/fighters/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/indvship.php on line 0


When I have it in just the modlues folder as the intstructions say I get this error:


Warning: main(/home/fighters/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/shipping/indvship.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/fighters/public_html/admin/modules.php on line 128


Hope somebody can help



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And I'm also getting an error on the front end too.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_configuration_key_value() in /home/fighters/public_html/includes/classes/shipping.php on line 39


Any help would be appreciated.




sorry about tep_get_configuration_key_value I was sure tha was in the original oscommerce release.


add this to the bottom of you application_top.php before the last ?>


  function tep_get_configuration_key_value($lookup) {

    $configuration_query_raw= tep_db_query("select configuration_value from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key='" . $lookup . "'");

    $configuration_query= tep_db_fetch_array($configuration_query_raw);

    $lookup_value= $configuration_query['configuration_value'];

//hadir    if ( !($lookup_value) ) {

//      $lookup_value='<font color="FF0000">' . $lookup . '</font>';

//    }

    return $lookup_value;


q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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When I have it in just the modlues folder as the intstructions say I get this error:


Warning: main(/home/fighters/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/shipping/indvship.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/fighters/public_html/admin/modules.php on line 128


The indv.php that is int he zip does not go in languages. Sorry I made th instructions and files for those that had original indv release. I updated the contribution with the language file and added the new function

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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Step 5



function cart() {

global $customer_id, $sendto, $billto, $cart, $languages_id, $currency, $currencies, $shipping, $payment;

add another global like this

function cart() {

global $customer_id, $sendto, $billto, $cart, $languages_id, $currency, $currencies, $shipping, $payment, $shipping_modules;//phpmom.com indv ship added

Does not mean have two lines with global....

What I meant by add another global is at the end of the line before ; add , $shipping_modules

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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Forgot to add to instructions

2 more files to modify

starting from step 7

7- catalog/checkout_confirmation.php
8- catalog/checkout_process.php
9- catalog/checkout_paypalipn.php
If you have
require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'shipping.php');
$shipping_modules = new shipping($shipping);
comment out
//require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'shipping.php');
//$shipping_modules = new shipping($shipping);

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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at the bottom of Step 5-classes\order.php

a few lines under that


'shipping_method' => $shipping['title'],


'shipping_cost' => $shipping_cost, //phpmom.com


you need to remove the other

'shipping_cost' =>


'shipping_cost' => $shipping['cost'],


you cannot have two same field(values...) in an array.

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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I'm getting an error from admin/categories.php


1146 - Table 'oscommerce.TABLE_SHIPPING_METHODS' doesn't exist


select methods_id, methods_name from TABLE_SHIPPING_METHODS


Where does this need to be defined, and to which table? In step 1, I added "define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING', 'products_shipping');" to admin/includes/database_tables.php (and to catalog/includes/database_tables.php)


Pretty vanilla osc 2.2 milestone 2, with newer Paypal IPN module. I'm just getting started with osc.


Any thoughts? Thanks,


Edited by loveless
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I've modified the contribution myself so it will show only a specific shipping moudle when shipping equals or more than 60. Everything worked fine until I added a third shipping moudle which causeed an error when I clicked on checkout:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class indvship in /home/bla_bla/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/indvship.php on line 14


Attached the shipping.php file I modifed, any help would be appreciated.


Thank you.


 $Id: shipping.php,v 1.23 2003/06/29 11:22:05 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

 class shipping {
   var $modules;

// class constructor
   function shipping($module = '') {

     global $language, $PHP_SELF, $cart;
// BOF: Individual Shipping Prices      
     $shiptotal = $cart->get_shiptotal();
// EOF: Individual Shipping Prices

       $this->modules = explode(';', MODULE_SHIPPING_INSTALLED);

       $include_modules = array();

       if ( (tep_not_null($module)) && (in_array(substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')) . '.' . substr($PHP_SELF, (strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.')+1)), $this->modules)) ) {
         $include_modules[] = array('class' => substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')), 'file' => substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')) . '.' . substr($PHP_SELF, (strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.')+1)));
       } else {
// BOF: Individual Shipping Prices
// Show either normal shipping modules or Individual shipping module when Individual Shipping Module is On
         // Show Individual Shipping Only
         if ($shiptotal >= '60') {
         // All Other Shipping Modules
           while (list(, $value) = each($this->modules)) {
             $class = substr($value, 0, strrpos($value, '.'));
             // Don't show Individual Shipping Module
             if ($class != 'indvship')  {
               $include_modules[] = array('class' => $class, 'file' => $value);
         } else {
         // All Other Shipping Modules
           while (list(, $value) = each($this->modules)) {
             $class = substr($value, 0, strrpos($value, '.'));
             // Don't show Individual Shipping Module
             if ($class != 'indvship')  {
               $include_modules[] = array('class' => $class, 'file' => $value);
               $include_modules[] = array('class'=> 'indvship', 'file' => 'indvship.php');
// EOF: Individual Shipping Prices

       for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($include_modules); $i<$n; $i++) {
         include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/shipping/' . $include_modules[$i]['file']);
         include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'shipping/' . $include_modules[$i]['file']);

         $GLOBALS[$include_modules[$i]['class']] = new $include_modules[$i]['class'];

   function quote($method = '', $module = '') {
     global $total_weight, $shipping_weight, $shipping_quoted, $shipping_num_boxes;

     $quotes_array = array();

     if (is_array($this->modules)) {
       $shipping_quoted = '';
       $shipping_num_boxes = 1;
       $shipping_weight = $total_weight;

       if (SHIPPING_BOX_WEIGHT >= $shipping_weight*SHIPPING_BOX_PADDING/100) {
         $shipping_weight = $shipping_weight+SHIPPING_BOX_WEIGHT;
       } else {
         $shipping_weight = $shipping_weight + ($shipping_weight*SHIPPING_BOX_PADDING/100);

       if ($shipping_weight > SHIPPING_MAX_WEIGHT) { // Split into many boxes
         $shipping_num_boxes = ceil($shipping_weight/SHIPPING_MAX_WEIGHT);
         $shipping_weight = $shipping_weight/$shipping_num_boxes;

       $include_quotes = array();

       while (list(, $value) = each($this->modules)) {
         $class = substr($value, 0, strrpos($value, '.'));
         if (tep_not_null($module)) {
           if ( ($module == $class) && ($GLOBALS[$class]->enabled) ) {
             $include_quotes[] = $class;
         } elseif ($GLOBALS[$class]->enabled) {
           $include_quotes[] = $class;

       $size = sizeof($include_quotes);
       for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
         $quotes = $GLOBALS[$include_quotes[$i]]->quote($method);
         if (is_array($quotes)) $quotes_array[] = $quotes;

     return $quotes_array;

   function cheapest() {
     if (is_array($this->modules)) {
       $rates = array();

       while (list(, $value) = each($this->modules)) {
         $class = substr($value, 0, strrpos($value, '.'));
         if ($GLOBALS[$class]->enabled) {
           $quotes = $GLOBALS[$class]->quotes;
           for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($quotes['methods']); $i<$n; $i++) {
             if (isset($quotes['methods'][$i]['cost']) && tep_not_null($quotes['methods'][$i]['cost'])) {
               $rates[] = array('id' => $quotes['id'] . '_' . $quotes['methods'][$i]['id'],
                                'title' => $quotes['module'] . ' (' . $quotes['methods'][$i]['title'] . ')',
                                'cost' => $quotes['methods'][$i]['cost']);

       $cheapest = false;
       for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($rates); $i<$n; $i++) {
         if (is_array($cheapest)) {
           if ($rates[$i]['cost'] < $cheapest['cost']) {
             $cheapest = $rates[$i];
         } else {
           $cheapest = $rates[$i];

       return $cheapest;

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I'm getting this error in a couple places, too.


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at includes/languages/english/modules/shipping/indvship.php:19) in includes/functions/general.php on line 29


The first time I got this is when I enabled the module in admin. Now, I'm seeing the same error (different line numbers) in checkout_shipping.php


I guess I'm not positive that I got everything installed correctly, but I followed the instruction sheet to the letter. :)




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I've 3 problems.



1. when i go to admin => catalgo I got


1146 - Table 'dreamzstation.TABLE_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING' doesn't exist






2. when i go to admin - modules - shipping , I got


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class indvship in /home/.salazar/dreamzst/dreamzstation.com/store/includes/modules/shipping/indvship.php on line 14



3. in the instruction.html


step 3


(remember you need modify for your table)


what should I modify here?




line 290 ABOVE

$products_array[] = array('id' => $products_id,


$products_shipping_query = tep_db_query("select products_ship_price, products_ship_price_two, products_ship_zip, products_ship_methods_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING . " where products_id = '" . $products['products_id'] . "'");// hadir//phpmom.com

$products_shipping = tep_db_fetch_array($products_shipping_query);//phpmom.com

(remember you need modify for your table)




anyone can help me? Thank you so much!

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I've 3 problems.

1. when i go to admin => catalgo  I got

2.  when i go to admin - modules - shipping  ,  I got

3. in the instruction.html


step 3


(remember you need modify for your table)


what should I modify here?

anyone can help me?  Thank you so much!


Item 1. - You need to perform Step 1 in the doc on both database_tables.php files. (catalog/includes/database_tables.php and admin/includes/database_tables.php)


Item 2. - I'm not sure.


Item 3. - Paste in the line at the right place. The last statement is just reminding you to modify your database table. This was one of the first things in the doc:


MYSQL table products_shipping


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `products_shipping`;

CREATE TABLE `products_shipping` (

`products_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`products_ship_methods_id` int(11) default NULL,

`products_ship_zip` varchar(32) default NULL,

`products_ship_price` varchar(10) default NULL,

`products_ship_price_two` varchar(10) default NULL



Hope that helps.

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Item 1. - You need to perform Step 1 in the doc on both database_tables.php files. (catalog/includes/database_tables.php and admin/includes/database_tables.php)


Item 2. - I'm not sure.


Item 3. - Paste in the line at the right place.  The last statement is just reminding you to modify your database table.  This was one of the first things in the doc:


MYSQL table products_shipping


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `products_shipping`;

CREATE TABLE `products_shipping` (

`products_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`products_ship_methods_id` int(11) default NULL,

`products_ship_zip` varchar(32) default NULL,

`products_ship_price` varchar(10) default NULL,

`products_ship_price_two` varchar(10) default NULL



Hope that helps.



Thank you so much loveless


Anyone knows how to slove problem 2?? Appreciate it.

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