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win2000 pro


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Hi all,


Not quite sure if I should post this here, so sorry if I shoulnd't have...


I also have installed win2000 pro and explorer 6, and all with easyphp.


my problem is the cookies. it seams that no matter what I do, all website think I have the cookies disable.. why?


How do I have the cookies able with win2000pro?


many thanks


PS: i have installed easyphp, isn't anything to do with it?


You would check your security settings in your browser to determine if cookies are enabled or not. This would be under Tools > Internet Options > Security > Customize.





Hi there


I have explorer 6 and it seams that in

Tools > Internet Options > Security >

There is not mention of cookies..

I have put low secutiry, etc etc.. but nothing still

Cookies are disabled


Why? any idea?




do you have a firewall like zone alarm?


They can block cookies too.


In IE6, you need to look in Tools ~ Options ~ Privacy for cookie handling.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein



Thanks, the cookies are here

Tools ~ Options ~ Privacy for cookie handling


The problem is that I am not able to access my server because it tell me

Cookies are disabled whatever I do...

they said is nothing wrong and I should..


they alse said that it maybe win2000pro that has something like firewall in it..


Does anybody know win2000pro that can help?

where I should look




I run Win2000 Pro, EasyPHP, Zonealarm... no problems :shock:


This is not an osC issue as far as I can tell :? .... you may wish to look here:




My gut feeling is that's a setup issue with EasyPHP rather than your IE settings.


There's a few things you can do.

Go to this site: www.turningbase.com/create_account.php


Do you get the same cookie error?

If not, than your IE settings are fine.



What happens when you disable 'Force Cookie Use' in Admin >> Configuration >> Sessions?

(This is done via the online admin screen.)


See how you go, and report back with the results... this should help to pin point where the error is located.




"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."


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