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Help please - Email Issues!!!


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Everytime I try to send an email through OSCommerce, I get the following returned mail error:


unrouteable mail domain "excite.com"


It happens with EVERY domain, including yahoo.com, hotmail.com and more.


Does anyone know why this is happening?


Sendmail works fine for the rest of my website.


THanks for any help!


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This might be easier to diagnose if you could check your email logs. If it is your own server, you should be able to do this without much trouble. If it is a shared server, perhaps they could grep out the relevant lines for you?


I take it that you are on a Unix/Linux server, since you are able to use sendmail elsewhere. In the places where sendmail works, is it being called from a PHP script? If not, maybe it is a php.ini problem. Have you checked to make sure that OSC is set to sendmail and not SMTP?




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  • 1 month later...

I was having the same problem. Whenever I did a test order from my OSC site, my Order Process email would bounce back to me as a "return to sender". It was also seeing me as "nobody" trying to send the email.


What I realized is that I was using an email address that I had created on the new host that I was using. [email protected], for example.


What I did was to go to OSC Admin->My Store. There in the store config, I changed "E-Mail Address" entry from my new address to my standard ISP email address. Now it works perfectly. When an order is placed I receive the "Order Process" email from my site. The "From" section still contains my webstore name.


If your "E-Mail Address" domain name is the same as your catalog domain name, you might want to give this a try. I don't know why this works... it just does.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

if you look further, you'll see that somewhere else on the header, it says something like

Received: from nobody by host.dnsserv.com with local (Exim 4.24)


hotmail, excite, yahoo, aol, etc won't accept mail from "[email protected]"


I know that this is the problem sending to these providers, but I don't know how to

  • change my settings correctly in my "My Store" admin panel
  • hard code my site's address in email.php
  • set up SMTP correctly (as I've done with phpBB & IBS, both on the same server)

can anyone assist with any of the above?


php.ini is correct (mail finally works for phpBB & Invisioon Board, both on my server)

I'm hosted, so I can't access php.ini to alter anything or view logs

Linux server


any help appreciated - thanks!

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thanks, Sam - I've read through a bunch of them, as well as a ton of threads on this and other forums, but never can seem to find a definitive answer. I just keep changing settings, "try this", change something else, "try this"...


more details: in a nutshell, I can't get e-mails to go to hotmail, yahoo, aol, etc. accounts. I receive mail fine to me at my server, but a hotmail acct I set up for testing doesn't get any e-mails - not a welcome message, not a "tell a friend", not a newsletter - just this:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

 [email protected]
   unrouteable mail domain "hotmail.com"

------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------

Return-path: <[email protected]>
Received: from nobody by host.dnsserverfl.com with local (Exim 4.24)
id 1Aj9g9-0004sQ-FY
for [email protected]; Tue, 20 Jan 2004 23:08:59 -0500
To: [email protected]
Subject: Test
From: [email protected]
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 23:08:59 -0500


I'm not familiar enough with mail functions to get in deep - a guess I need someone to walk me through it. I finally got mail to work in phpBB & Invision Board forums on my site (Linux server) using SMTP, localhost, no user name or password - but where can I alter those settings in osCommerce? I only have an option of SMTP or sendmail - - no where to add localhost as server (unless it's defaulted?) nowhere to add or remove user/password combo - -


any assistance is welcomed.

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