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Been trying and unable to find if it's possible, not even sure if it will be used but won't spend more time looking if it isn't..

Tap Menu Icon, that opens drop down of all main catagories (no sub-catagories) all good so far.

Tap on one of those main catagories and it dutifully opens that catagory....still good

But also displays all non related main catagories below it.

Is it possible to have it only open the Catagory tapped with out all the non related main catagories below?



Getting pics from mobile to Desktop isn't a simple paste / click else those would have been included,still poissible if needed though.


Tapmenu icon and this shows, allgood



TAP Hi-Point Accessories and this shows,

The Hi-Point sub catagories ends with JXP10-TB 

The non-related catagories below that I would like not to show.




Haven't found a way either.

Actually,trying to get the menu icon larger and dead center in the same horizontal position.

What is there is as close as I've gotten.


Thank you Andy,

Could not get it to do as wanted, not sure it'd be used anyway............moving on :)

Did you get what I had sent to your email?

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