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Login before you enter the shop?


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Is it possible to create a login before the user is able to enter the shop? The problem is that only previously registered users (this should be done by an admin, not by the user himself) should be able to see the articles an prices.




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I am not quite sure if there is a contribution for this, but I would suggest this.


Get the contribution login inbox and make it as the first page to your shopping online without anything esle.

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Get the contribution login inbox and make it as the first page to your shopping online without anything esle.
This won't entirely work. Even if you do this, someone could still enter the shop without logging in by typing the url in manually, bypassing the login.


Assuming search engine placement is not an issue (since a login requirement prevents them from crawling the site), what is needed is an addition to application_top.php which redirects them to the login page if they are not currently logged in. This could also be done by disabling anonymous sessions, which will force them to login to register their session (session registration is already required, IIRC).




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Get the contribution login inbox and make it as the first page to your shopping online without anything esle.
This won't entirely work. Even if you do this, someone could still enter the shop without logging in by typing the url in manually, bypassing the log

Put the catalog directory in a locked status with a password requested to login in. That way they cannot access ANY of the catalog pages without loggin in.

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