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Could have sworn I saw a box for Free shipping on Product, looked but could not find.

Is there built in support for setting up free shipping on a single product

Or if not know of any add on, free or otherwise available or forth coming?

Some manufacturers do not allow product discounts from retail but offering free shipping is not considered a discount.  Price is always top priority on internet sales so this is kind of important for many.

Thank you


4 hours ago, warleb2 said:

I am looking for the same.  There is a product free shipping module but it's not available yet.

Soon I will be delving into all of this as I will need this also on some suppliers.  But my feeling is that I will need to do it by postcode.

See this message


  • 2 weeks later...

In my humble opinion, I would like to see a function as follows:

Switch in product that allows for set shipping price by item.  Along with this switch would be a field for set shipping amount.

  • This would be off by default.
  • While off, shipping for this product would be calculated as normal.
  • While on, shipping for that product would not be calculated as normal but would be as specified in the set shipping amount

It should be understood that this would separate cart into calculated items and non-calculated items (prob in background).

This type of module would make it simple to allow store owner to utilize shipping as they need in their particular store.

I will give a simple example:

Assume I have an inventory of all different weights that I use calculated shipping for most.  Further assume that I have an item that is small, light, and can be shipped in a first class envelope just using a stamp.  I may want to ship this item free (which means I would set the Set Shipping Cost to ON and then set the price to 0.00).  Assume further that I have an item, pre-packaged, that would ship flat rate.  I could set that Item at my cost for shipping and packaging.

A further example would be important!  Assume the purchaser selects 5 items, 1 being set price, and 4 being calculated.  The cart should then calculate shipping on the 4 items and add the 1 set price.

I don't know if this makes sense to all as I am looking at this as a store owner, not a programmer!

Hell, I am still trying to figure out how to show the address line in the shopping cart!  (only shows the city/state...   Like I said, not a programmer...

Feel free to comment on what you think of this idea!!!!  


Here's what I need ...

Let's say that I have two product categories: one is 'Flat Rate', and the other is 'By Weight'. Every product is in one of these two categories.

a) If a customer is 1) In the United States, AND  2) *everything* on their cart is a 'Flat Rate' item, then the entire order is shipped at the Flat Rate cost.

b) If a customer is 1) outside of the United States, AND/OR 2) has one (or more) items in their cart that is a 'By Weight' item, then the entire order is shipped at the By Weight cost.



Here is my scenario.

I can offer free shipping in England and Wales.  This can work with the GEO location settings.  So under  Geo Zones you create a zone called Free Shipping



Behind free shipping you add the zones that can have free shipping.  If that England and Wales then that's just about every County in the UK and Wales.  So inside Free Shipping I enter a county that can have free shipping.


Then in 'My Marketing Tools>Promotions>Prices'  you add a new promotion.  Under Geo Zones you select the free shipping that you set up in Geo Zones
You also have to assign a product also

So now when a customer buys a product and he lives in Bedfordshire and he buys that product selected he will get free shipping when either buying as a guest or creating an account

This works fine but I now have to load god knows how many county's into the Geo Location 'Free Shipping' that I created earlier

This works fine if you live in Bedforshire or whatever county you want the free shipping to apply to.

My issue is that someone who lives in Edinburgh should be charged lest say £100 shipping and someone that lives on the Isle of Mull should receive lets say £300 shipping.  But Bedfordshire should receive free shipping.

It's how to handle the other two scenarios.  It probably can be done but not sure how


Ok,  so after a play around I created a new Geo Zone called Zone B shipping and added some countys in there


Then on the shipping module I changed the 3-5 days delivery desc to Zone B Shipping and put a price of £90


So now if I live in Angus I get the £90 shipping fee.  If I live in Bedfordshire I get the free shipping.  Now I need a Zone C and Zone D Shipping.  Wondering if I can export the Zone B Shipping and import it with a different name so that I can add Zone C Shipping to it that I will create in Geo Locations with lets Say Stornaway as the £300 shipping cost


Anyone know how I can insert another shipping module like Zone B Shipping (renamed from 3-5 days)  I want to call this Zone C and attach Zone C Shipping from Geo locations to it


6 hours ago, Warleb3 said:

My issue is that someone who lives in Edinburgh should be charged lest say £100 shipping and someone that lives on the Isle of Mull should receive lets say £300 shipping.  But Bedfordshire should receive free shipping.

It's how to handle the other two scenarios.  It probably can be done but not sure how

I think you should use zonetable (1-2 days delivery) shipping for that.

1) Create two shipping options a) who lives in Edinburgh should be charged lest say £100 b) someone that lives on the Isle of Mull should receive lets say £300 shipping


2) Create two or more zones


3) Create shipping table and select only one shipping option for each zone


4) Here are results:






I solved it by creating a new custom shipping module.  Took the flat.php copied it,  renamed it to custom.php and renamed all 'FLAT' to custom and placed it back in the folder lib>common>modules>ordershipping

Installed it...

So in geo Zone I can have new zones


Zone A is the free shipping Zone
Add here all the zones that get free shipping ie: Bedofrdshire, Linconshire etc  Free Shipping

Zone B is for people in scotland
Add here all the zones that get a charge in these zones ie: Aberdeen, Angus etc  £90

Zone C is for people in northern Ireland
Add here all the zones that get a charge in these zones ie: Antrim, Down etc  £300

I attach the zone to the shipping module....





So the new module is the same as Zone B apart from renaming the elements in the PHP file.

So now in reality I can have as many zones as required.

For instance Zone D could be for Islands and Highlands of scotland etc

So now I am happy and this works for me


The Zone A free shipping uses the My Marketing Tools>Promotions>Prices options which you took me though.  You still have to maintain the zones in the Geo Location setting so I may as well just create a new shipping module with 0 charge and assign it to Zone A.

Therefore I no longer need to maintain what product gets free shipping.  I just wanted a flat rate across the board depending on where you lived.

It works perfectly fine also

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