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Specials prices doesn't work properly


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Hi there, I tried the side blocks Specials with my admin sessions. I added a new products in special. The normal price for this product was 183 Euro. So I changed the price to 80 Euro. When I setup the special, it shows me the new price 80 euro and the strike price is 183. Everything is fine for this part BUT when youre back on your catalog, it shows me the old price 210,87 Euro stricked and the new price is 95.68. There is no sense for the prices........ I checked in my database the table Specials and it added my product in special perfectly, the new price is correct, everything is fine. So the problem is in the code!


Maybe someone has already got that problem. I really appreciate if someone had that kind of problem in the past...

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Hmmm with more reflexions, the price in the catalog include the TAXES.... Thats why I get those prices... but the only comment I can do is that we need to show to the customer that the taxes are include with the price, cause on the catalog it doesnt show this information: for example:

83,63 EUR ttc (ttc = toutes taxes comprise -> all taxes are includes)


so we need to inform the customer that the taxes are included in the price. If someone needs help to modify the code to obtain this display, contact me...

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