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[OSC2.2MS2] Mail send to Gmail error


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Hi all,
My old shop (always running since 2008 !) have problem to send mail to Gmail address since 3 month.
I have this return message :

Reporting-MTA: dns; smtpout5.phpnet.org
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 4Pqhsb2SWmz1whm
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; [email protected]
Arrival-Date: Mon,  3 Apr 2023 09:12:03 +0200 (CEST)

Final-Recipient: rfc822; XXXX[email protected]
Original-Recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
Action: failed
Status: 5.7.1
Remote-MTA: dns; gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550-5.7.1 [] This message is not RFC 5322
    compliant, the issue is: 550-5.7.1 duplicate To headers. To reduce the
    amount of spam sent to Gmail, 550-5.7.1 this message has been blocked.
    Please review 550 5.7.1  RFC 5322 specifications for more information.

My system is :
osCommerce 2.2-MS2
PHP Version 5.3.29

I have search information everywhere but I think I'm alone with this problem...
So I don't understand this error "550-5.7.1 duplicate To headers"
What's append ???

Thank you for help me !

@alexfr19It is usually caused by duplicate messages arriving at gmail but it can also be due to the email being sent not formatted correctly. The majority of times I've seen this was because of the use of forwarders on the server. You need to look at the full headers for the sent emails and bounces to see why they are seeing them as duplicates. 


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Bonjour Alexandre,

Non tu n'es pas le seul, j'ai eu aussi ce problème aussi avec mon site OsCommerce MS2.2 Php7.4
Il faut modifier  function send dans les fichiers email.php des répertoires catalog/includes/classes/ et admin/includes/classes/

J'ai modifié la zone de if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') {


No you are not the only one, I also had this problem too with my OsCommerce MS2.2 Php7.4 site

It is necessary to modify function send in the email.php files of the directories catalog/includes/classes/ and admin/includes/classes/

I modified the zone of if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') {

      // add ARA Production
    $return = "-f ".$from_addr;

      if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') {
        return mail($to_addr, $subject, $this->output, implode($this->lf, $this->headers) . $this->lf . implode($this->lf, $xtra_headers), $return);
      } else {
        return mail($to, $subject, $this->output, 'From: '.$from.$this->lf.implode($this->lf, $this->headers).$this->lf.implode($this->lf, $xtra_headers), $return);

PS : dans ton message, quand on passe la souris sur les XXXX censés masquer les adresses mails, elles s'affichent. C'est comme cela que j'ai vu ton site et que tu étais français du 19 (moi du 03).

PS: in your message, when you pass the mouse over the XXXX supposed to hide email addresses, they are displayed. That's how I saw your site and you were French.


with OsC 2.2 since 2006 ...


Merci Bonbec pour ta réponse !  Je viens de faire la modif et ça marche nickel !
Quant au lien dans l'adresse mail, j'ai modifié le texte mais pas le lien que j'aurais du supprimer ! la moindre faute d’inattention, ça pardonne pas en informatique !!!

Merci pour ta réponse


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