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I am on a super-fresh install of the latest 4.11.55722 version. 

I have accessed the banner manager and this is all I see: 


as opposed to what the wiki says, I cannot see any "New banner" button and all I get is a "New group" (of banners) button, only. 

If I click again on the My Marketing Tools -> Banner Manager tab, for a very short time I get flashed with a new page where both the "New banner" and "New group" buttons appear, however, it all immediately gets back to the page above. 

When I add a new banner group, it will NOT show up under "Groups": to make it show, I have to switch "Show empty groups" off, then on back again and if I do so, it will show me a list of banner groups, however, should I refresh the page, the list will go away and I am back into the same loop. 

On top of all the above, it seems there is absolutely NO chance to add any (new) banner (either to any group or as a stand-alone banner) at all: I do not see any of these actions https://www.oscommerce.com/wiki/Managing_Banners  to be possible. 

Last but not least, there is no more trace of this under "Settings", at all: https://www.oscommerce.com/wiki/Managing_Banner_Groups

I suppose the banner manager function is not definitely working as it should?


29 minutes ago, CHD-UK said:

If you double click on the group name you should be able to create a new banner in that group.

Thanks a lot Andy! 

That worked, however, I am still very puzzled by the fact that I have created a new (empty) banner group (which adds to a list of those that are already present) but I have apparently no means to display it unless I am switching the "Show empty groups" switch off, then on back again. 

As soon as I  I refresh the page, the list will go away and I am back into the same loop.

Any ideas why?

23 hours ago, CHD-UK said:

I am able to replicate that too.   I'm not sure why, but it appears that under certain circumstances the groups data-table is not correctly populated until you change one of the filter options (e.g. toggle the "show empty groups" switch)

Hi Andy,

thanks a lot for your feed-back!

The banner manager actually appears to be subject to multiple perturbations like in this case:


which is yet another pending issue, most definitely depending on the banner manager itself...

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