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Making some contributions part of osC


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can it be possible for the osC team to include some contributions in the mm2 release??


IPN PayPal, Monthly Stats, additional images for products (popups)


There are many more but this would be a great place to start.


any feedback on this?

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Having Switch & Solo cards validated would also be helpful as well as issue numbers on such cards. (Mainly for the UK)


While I think about it there are a lot of very useful contributions out there. Maybe you could make them optional in the install script as to whether they are installed or not when OSC is installed.


That way admins have the option to either install vanilla OSC or pick and choose the contribs they want at setup time.


Possible also have a way of installing contribs via the admin panel.


Taking this even further an admin panel install for contribs could gather it's data from a server specifically for contribs.... that way each time one is installed it is going to be the lates version, not the version that the admin last downloaded. ;)


This could be taken to extreams, and would probably require a lot of new people to moderate, review and approve contributions before they became available on the server.... but it might just be worth it to make the admins lives easier ;)

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I think some of the contributions would be great just as an option for the admin like mentioned above :)


Any feedback on this? Or if it could happen??


Thanks all, great job so far ;)

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