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The e-commerce.

create-sec-file failed completely

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After 2 days AND nights I give up!


My Web-Hoster has forced me to install a newer Version of OSC by changing the PHP from 7.x to 8.1.


If I follow the Wiki-Steps to transfer the database-content from my old Shop-System (Merchant I got a Site with several PHP Deprecated warnings (13 warnings).


and no sec-file is created.


as the shop was running sugsessfully until the changes, my customer wants it to run asap.


The first Warnung says: Method ReflectionParameter::getClass() is deprecated


and it refers to vendor/yiisoft/yii2/di/Container.php line 438.


I tried to find an alternative way to fix it via php. But I failed till now.


Can anyone help me please?


Kind regards,


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8 hours ago, ThommyF_25 said:

Can anyone help me please?

Hi Tomas,

The OSC Bridge is usually running on the same server where the old osCommerce is installed. We assume that the osCommerce 2.x is not compatible with new php versions (>=8.0).

Anyway, I have a solution for your case:

1. Open index.php in root_dir/your_oscb_dir. Add line with error_reporting function like this:

error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);

require(__DIR__ . '/web/index.php');

2. Save the file. OSC Bridge should work now.

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Ok, special thanks so far.


The next step is done. A Key-File could be generated.


Now I filled the informations in the backand form of the new shop system like it is shown in the wiki. When I try to click the save-button, I get an Error Failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found. And Only the section "connection settings is shown.


Edited by ThommyF_25
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39 minutes ago, ThommyF_25 said:

Now I filled the informations in the backand form of the new shop system like it is shown in the wiki. When I try to click the save-button, I get an Error Failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found. And Only the section "connection settings is shown.

You have to turn on allow_url_fopen directive in php.ini file on your new server (with osCommerce v4):
allow_url_fopen = On

Here is a link that describes the directive:

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IT WORKED! Thank you so much! I was able to import most data from the old system.


Now my plan is to "rebuild" the shop with the transfered data. The Categroies are "nameless" for example, but I think, with some work I'd finde a way now.


If any other Problems are shown, I'd open another post in the Forum.


Kind regards,


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  • 7 months later...


I'm having issues too with trying to generate the SEC file.

I've followed the above adding the error to the oscb index.php file but makes no difference.

I have tired various combinations for the configure file path etc. However each time I just get a quick flash and file not found warning.

No error messages, nothing, no SEC file. Can someone assist please?

QUESTION: Do I have to change file permissions on my shop/include/configure file?

The oscb dir is in the same folder as shop/

Thank you,



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20 hours ago, herbsandhelpers said:

I'm having issues too with trying to generate the SEC file

Hello Lorraine,

Could you send me a screenshot of the error and log file from oscb dir: runtime/logs/app.log

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