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The e-commerce.

20 Reasons to switch to osCommerce. Reason 9 - order structure


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What is pretty amazing about osCommerce is how modular and configurable it is. Anything and everything in it can be configured, switched on and off.

Order totals consist of multiple elements, each being a module or an app. Each acting in its own way. However each being a part of one whole Order system.

Each Order total module can be set to be displayed or hidden on certain website pages, in certain documents, include or exclude tax by default.

So what do we have available?

- subtotal
- discount coupon
- gift wrap
- low order fee
- shipping fee
- credit amount
- extra shipping fee
- extra payment fee
- loyalty points
- taxation subtotal
- tax
- total
- amount paid
- amount due
- amount refunded

As you can notice, in osCommerce you can not just deal with orders, but also with payments. It is truly an excellent Ecommerce solution to run your online business. 

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