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Added "Store Pick Up" but it doesn't show up


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Well, I got past the error codes that prevented me putting things in the cart.


OSC Version:

Then I discovered when I went to checkout that I just get a red error message that no form of shipping is indicated.

Of course that's because I'm not offering shipping yet. (May do so down the road.)

Found an add-on called "Store Pickup Shipping Module" Version. 1.7 by @raiwa
There were two in the index list, this one was the "non-Phoenix" version.

I installed the supplied files in the indicated directories (Only for English):


After that, instructions say to: 

1. Back up previous SPU install.
2. Upload all files as packaged.
3. Go to Admin>Modules>Shipping> Install Store Pickup
4. Configure

   a. Select cost of the option - As a store owner, I
      recommend $0. That's just me though.
   b. Select Zone - Pick a Zone within which customers can
      reasonably come from to get to your store.
   c. Select Sort Order.
   d. Store Pick Up Zip Code Allowed

Problem is,, when I go to admin>modules>shipping> ...... there isn't any "Store Pickup" to install.

Oddly enough though, when I do this, there aren't any modules installed (which is expected) and it shows there are (6) available to install.
However when I click on +Install Module, only FIVE modules show up. IE: The ones that came with OSC.
So the system seems to know there's an extra module available, but it's not showing it to me in the Admin Panel.

How do I "de-cloak" this puppy?




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