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OsCommerce purchase complete - different browser issue


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In Denmark we use a payment method with your cell phone called MobilePay

This is really popular end represents approx 30-40% of all payments nowadays - the issue is that when you need to approve payment, you are redirected to the app on your phone  - and then the app ALWAYS returns to the phones native browser - meaning if you use an iPhone and pay through Chrome browser, it sends you back to "Safari" browser - and this results in the order never being "correctly" finished.

Have anyone ever worked with somehow to workaround this? 

My method would be in the return call you need some kind of order id to close it with? No matter what is cached etc.?

I really hope someone can help here, otherwise we have to change our shop system, because this is giving way too much problems :(

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Does it have an IPN-like functionality?  With IPN, it wouldn't matter which browser.  Because IPN does not rely on session authentication.  PayPal, RBS WorldPay, and Sage Pay use IPN.  I don't know what payment module you use.  But you might check with the payment processor. 

Always back up before making changes.

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On 2/9/2021 at 1:03 PM, ecartz said:

Does it have an IPN-like functionality?  With IPN, it wouldn't matter which browser.  Because IPN does not rely on session authentication.  PayPal, RBS WorldPay, and Sage Pay use IPN.  I don't know what payment module you use.  But you might check with the payment processor. 

Thank you for the reply ecartz! :D


To be honest I don't know what IPN is - we use Quickpay as payment provider which is pretty "standard/big" company in Denmark - and MobilePay is then a seperate payment provider like Paypal.

We use this module:

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