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downlaod products - quick help


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I know this is a standard feature of OSC but I cant configure it - I want to sell downlaodable products, but I dont knwo how to configure.


I am not sure which version of OSC I have, either 2.1 or 2.2m here how far I am:


Added two products


Now on product attrivbutes, i can select the prduct with a drop down lsit , but the option name, option value, and file name is blank - what do i need to do?!?! please help?sap!




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Yes, but it doesn't work. I have followed all this instructions


(http://wiki.oscommerce.com/helpAdminDownloads )


First, put the product to be downloaded in the download folder on the Internet:



It will be read from the "pub" folder.

Make sure /catalog/pub is 777 and /catalog/download is 755 and these files in catalog/includes/configure.php have the forward slash:


define('DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'download/');



Under configuration in the admin set up the download info, true, true, expiry date, max number of downloads.


Add the product in the admin under "catalog", "categories/products.


After you have added the product go to "Product Attributes" under the "Catalog" heading in admin.


Choose the product in the bottom "Product Attributes" box.


When you choose a product and have download enabled in the configuration section you will see a box below the "Product Attributes" section where you can add the product as a download.


And I got this message:


Warning: The downloadable products directory does not exist: /home/almalibr/almalibros-wwwcatalog/download/. Downloadable products will not work until this directory is valid.


When created -wwwcatalog/download/ there is not donload available

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  • 3 weeks later...

...you need to ensure that these two directories actuall exist on your webserver. When they do, simply ftp the 'downloadable' file to the download directory, then follow the instructions in Wiki... I'm not a coder nor a developer but I managed to get it sorted...


I still have a few open questions re payment type on downloadable products, but it's working otherwise...


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