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Chrome samesite issue


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I need to update my site, running PHP 5.6.31, to allow SameSite=None; Secure, but I'm having difficulty, as my PHP version is outdated. (I'd love to update, but I just do not have the skillset for that task).

I found on the following link https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/samesite-examples/blob/master/php.md
that the below is the recommended code to accomplish the task, but it does not mention which file that I should place it in, or where. 

// Set a same-site cookie for first-party contexts
header('Set-Cookie: cookie1=value1; SameSite=Lax', false);
// Set a cross-site cookie for third-party contexts
header('Set-Cookie: cookie2=value2; SameSite=None; Secure', false);

Any help with this issue would be appreciated, as I'm still a novice when working within this system.

Thank you in advance!

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23 hours ago, Tiffany_Waggoner said:

Any help with this issue would be appreciated, as I'm still a novice when working within this system.

In older versions of oscommerce, the session is started in the includes/application_top.php file.  Add the following before the line to start the session and, I think, it will work:

ini_set('session.cookie_samesite', 'None');

But it also depends on which version of php are upgrading to since the code changed for setting cookies in the later versions, after 7.2 I think.

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